Acupuncture is able to help you overcome the side effects of nicotine withdrawal by increasing your willpower and body energy. It thus stimulates the ability to relax, while using acupuncture techniques.
Sometimes, some people have tried many methods to quit smoking but without success. The reasons for wanting to undergo treatment in order to quit smoking are very varied, some people develop health problems (shortness of breath, cough, chronic illnesses, etc.) others want to take preventive treatments to avoid having these problems and thus improve their health.
The key thing to remember in this situation is that one should want to quit smoking for oneself and not because of social pressure. This aspect is very important for the success of the treatment. Anyone choosing acupuncture to quit smoking wants to do it now, not put it off.
It is important to mention that our treatment is useful not only for people who wish to quit smoking, but also for those who wish to quit the consumption of any drug or alcohol.
Whether you are from the Campbellton, Tracadie, Caraquet, Bathurst, Miramichi, Beresford or anywhere else in the province, for treatment to quit smoking or to stop all forms of alcohol consumption and drugs, Acupuncture Guillaume Levesque is the clinic to visit!